Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Twilight hunt

I went to the west, challenging the afternoon sun, twilight hunting in the grip of despair ...
After a spotty graceful greeting, the sky turned into a friendly, incision orange tinge in the western reap golden glow in the liver. I so love twilight ... today, tomorrow, and again the next day.
Dusk, his name reminds me of a beach in Kotabaru. In Kotabaru I stopped, admiring the beauty of the beach, looking up into the sky and discover mega clusters hum ... Plaits lyrics best visited senses to hear, the small waves running around, looked at me and said ... "we are waiting for you"
Dusk. waves. bay. mega cluster. blue. orange. vessel lights flickering in the distance. wind that caressed and kissed with manners. warmth of the sea islands that are ready enfolded.
As she held the evening, my mind filled with questions: what makes people grateful and admiring the beauty of this?

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